Welcome to my blog... I am a Christian woman, a wife, and mother of little ones. I do not have it all together, but am struggling to find and do the commandments of the Lord as they are written in the Bible. I desire to love God and love people. Through faith in Jesus Christ, I have been saved by grace- something for which I am eternally grateful. He is sufficient for me...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Light in a Dark World

As I sit in the Food Court of a major mall typing, I am reminded again of the stark contrast between a dying world and those who are being saved. Clothes, hairstyles, makeup, and behavior all show me a glimpse of hearts within.

Over the past year or so, the Lord has really caused it to dawn on me that His people should not only act different, but appear different outwardly. Why should one who belongs to the kingdom of God look like one who is of the kingdom of this world?

Some specific areas I have changed include dressing more modestly and more femininely. I now wear skirts and dresses whenever I go out and sometimes when I stay in. This is feminine and modest at the same time. I never thought of pants as immodest, but it is a sure thing that skirts and dresses are more flowing and less clingy around the legs and hips. This helps me not be as self-conscious of those areas as well as helps men to not even notice those areas on me. My husband, I know, is thankful. There is also the verse that commands women not to wear men's clothes and men should not even put on a woman's garment. This is an abomination to the Lord.

I also wear higher necked shirts now as well as more toned down colors. A discreet and chaste woman is one who is more unnoticeable- she doesn't want to draw attention to herself.

Finally, a major way I have changed is by wearing a head covering most times when I go out. This helps because then I don't have to always fuss with a head covering when I want to pray ( I believe I Corinthians 11 speaks to women to cover their hair when praying or prophesying as a command). Every man I have asked about this also agrees it is more modest than not covering the hair. After all, a woman's hair is her glory!

However, I am not strict about it. At home, I usually only cover when I pray.

Well, that's all for now. Blessings!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Infant Potty Training- Part 2

Infant Potty Training with Zuzu is going quite well. She has a few accidents every couple days, but mainly she goes number 1 and 2 on her little potty. We keep it next to the bed and our bed is a king-size pad on the floor. We keep it next to the bed for convenience' sake. She usually will go after nursing and in the middle of the night and when she wakes in the morning. If she hasn't gone potty in a while, I just put her on there and she plays with toys in a basket nearby. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't.

We keep the bed as a pad on the floor because of the rolling. She began rolling around 4 or 5 months and it was dangerous. Since I nurse her to sleep many times, she would fall asleep on the bed and I could not move her to the crib without waking her. So, I would let her lie there, but I feared to leave the room in case she rolled and fell off onto the hard wood floor 2.5 feet below. The pad we have is only 3 or 4 inches off the ground and very soft so it gives at the edges. I feel much better about leaving her in the room while I go to the bathroom or kitchen while she naps.

After she goes potty, we wash her bottom with our filtered water because we don't want the chlorine getting on her private parts multiple times per day. Then, we gently dab the area dry with a towel, which is freshly changed every day.

At night, I am often dizzy if I get up since I am pregnant and carrying my baby while that is happening is a hazard, so I have opted for using Earth Baby chlorine-free wipes. I only need one since they are so moisturized. This is my favorite brand of wipes.

I love Infant Potty Training! Nine months after her birth, I am so glad we did it!

And I had a dream last night that I was doing IPT with a little baby boy... so maybe that's coming in future days... So long for now.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Make Me a Gentle Woman, Lord!

I took the following from A Wise Woman Builds Her House- see my blog list. May the Lord help us Christian women to be gentle!!

Then her gentleness is another part of her qualification for duty. She should have, must have, really has, influence and power of impulsion, if not compulsion. Were she utterly powerless , she could do nothing. Her influence, however, is a kind of passive power; it is the power that draws rather than drives, and commands by obeying.

Her gentleness makes her strong.

How winning are her smiles, how melting her tears, how insinuating her words. Woman loses her power when she parts from her gentleness. It is this very yielding, like the bulrush lifting its head after the rush of water which it has bowed,that gives her a power to rise superior to the force of circumstances which, if resistance were offered, would break all before them.

She vanquishes by submission.

How necessary gentleness is to the fulfillment of her mission in handling the young and tender spirits of her children, in training the first delicate shoots of their infant dispositions, and for directing the feelings of that one heart on which she depends for her happiness.

There are many varieties of disposition in women,which may make them sensitive, petulant, irritable, jealous, quick to feel and to resent; but not withstanding all this, and under all this, there is a gentleness of disposition which indicates this vocation as destined to influence and constrain by love.

-John Angell James, Female Piety

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Zuzu's Birth Story

My last month of pregnancy with Zuzu was challenging. I was so looking forward to meeting my first baby (who I thought was a boy), but it seemed so surreal at the same time. However, I was beginning to grow uncomfortable- everything in my abdomen/pelvic area seemed to be stretching and I could definitely feel it. I had to use the restroom about 7 times per night. Sleep was restful if I laid on my left side (laying on your right side cuts off major vessels in a very pregnant woman).

I could walk for short periods of time and then needed to rest. One thing I plan to do differently with this pregnancy is exercise intentionally and vigorously, especially in the last trimester!

I remember I did not want the baby to come on my birthday for more than one reason. And the Lord answered my prayer. Then, two days before the due date, I woke around midnight with a contraction that hurt. This was unusual. I had been having the typical practice contractions for months, but this was different.

Twenty minutes later I awoke with another one. I breathed through it and fell back asleep. This continued throughout the night with contractions about 20 minutes apart. When my husband was leaving for work in the early morning hours, I told this might be the day. He was excited and said to call him anytime.

Sometimes contractions were 15 minutes apart. I praise the Lord I was able to sleep in between them. Somewhere along the way I began laboring through the contractions on my hands and knees. I had heard it provided relief, so I tried and it did. I labored that way most of the morning.

Around 10AM, I felt the tightening in my abdomen and the accompanying pain and rolled to my hands and knees. As I did so, I felt a warm gush and headed for the bathroom. I thought it might be my water breaking and after watching more of it coming out, I realized it was! I was in labor! I was so excited, I could hardly contain it.

My doula had instructed me to contact her immediately if the amniotic fluid appeared greenish since that indicates meconium and can be dangerous for baby, but I saw that it was more of a whitish, clearish color. Another answer to prayer.

When my husband came home for lunch, I told him what was going on. He was so happy and called his work to let them know. He got the rest of the day off and the next ten days, actually, which was a blessing. He then left to run last minute errands, as we had been preparing for a homebirth.

While he was gone, I couldn't wait any longer, I decided to set up the birthing pool and fill it with warm water. As soon as that was done, I stepped carefully in. By this time, my contraction had been about 10 minutes apart for a couple hours. I already called our doula and let her know. She said to call when I was 5 minutes apart.

The relief and relaxation I felt as I climbed into the pool was wonderful. I had only been in there for about five minutes or so when Joel got home. And I noticed my contractions were really starting to pick up in frequency and intensity. They had jumped from 10 minutes to 3 minutes apart.

Joel wanted to get some things wrapped up and set up, but every time I had a contraction, I cried out for him. He basically did not leave my side from then on. Little did we know we would still have to wait 9 more hours before our baby arrived. It was 3PM.

Our doula arrived around 4PM and set up some herbs and other things for the homebirth. At this point, I could only really focus on my body and what was happening there. The pain was worse than I had imagined, but I still wanted to do it naturally as I had read it is better for the baby and the mother.

During my pregnancy with Zuzu, I had been introduced to hypnobirthing. I liked the way it helped me breathe calmly and slowly and it taught me to consciously relax my muscles. However, I do not know if I would recommend the CDs and books because it moves into some New Agey types of things which I am not into.

I practiced trying to relax. It was fine in between contractions. I could talk. I could walk. I could think. During contractions, I just clung to my husband's neck and tried to make it to the end of the pain. I wanted to scream, but we had talked about how screaming will only stall labor and will not help. So, the alternative was low moaning (like a cow mooing). This type of verbalizing is supposed to help one's cervix open up. I don't know if it helped mine.

Dilation was a slow process. They say it is typical for a first time mother to dilate at approximately 1 cm per hour. I was not prepared for this at all. You know you have to get to ten cm. When she checked me, I was at 5. Then, by 9 pm, I was at 9 cm with a lip. A lip, I discovered, is not a good thing. She asked if she could try to move it aside. I was desperate so I said yes. She tried. Some people think that is painful, but for me, the contractions trumped any other pain I might have felt.

I could not eat either once I hit 3 minutes apart around 3PM. Or drink. I think I had a tiny bite of apple and a couple sips of grape juice during the last 9 hours of natural labor. NOT good. NOT enough calories or energy for my body to do hard work.

Around 9PM, lip or no lip, I began pushing. I wanted this baby OUT. It didn't feel great to push, but it felt like I was finally getting somewhere. Then, it did feel somewhat good to push and we found out soon that she had moved down about 1 inch in 1 hour of pushing.

So I labored in the pool face up and face down. I liked floating and laboring in the pool was by far the most comfortable position. However, my doula felt we might need gravity and other positions to get things moving so I got out and tried everything from squatting to one foot up on a stool and rocking, to hands and knees, to laying on my back, to sitting on the toilet. The toilet thing was very painful. I cried through several contractions there. The pain was so sharp.

By this time, I was getting delirious. My husband would tell me to look into his eyes and I could not hold his gaze. I was in an incredible amount of pain. My doula was very hands off, which we knew she would be, but I realized during the labor, I would have wanted a more hands-on coaching approach.

I pushed for another horrible hour at home. I know at some point before this I thought about telling my husband I wanted to go to the hospital. I held off though.

This time, there was no progress at all. And I knew it before she checked me. I felt as though I was pushing against a brick wall. And my strength was waning. I had a thought: So this is why women die in childbirth.

For that last hour, I lost consciousness between every contraction. My doula said this was normal. I did not feel like it was normal. I said, "I can't." And she said, "Yes, you can." It was not what I wanted to hear.

Finally, we looked at our doula and she said, "Yes, two hours of pushing. We are reaching a threshold. Its up to you."

I looked at Joel and said, "I want to go to the hospital."

Because he had heard horror stories, he begged me to please try (to have the baby at home). He asked me to try one more position and he prayed aloud. It didn't work. I wanted to leave. I knew something was not right.

They got me a skirt and a shirt and helped me out to the car where I knelt on the floor with my face in my husband's lap. I believe the bumps on that two-mile ride to the hospital were about the time I started screaming.

This was humbling because I had been determined that I wouldn't be like the women in movies who scream hysterically while in labor. That was hollywood. I was trained in natural childbirth and I would relax and everything would be fine. How wrong I was.

When we arrived, they had a gurney waiting for me (my doula had called ahead). They wheeled me into an elevator and up the floors we went. I was moaning the whole time. I wanted to make sure Joel and our doula were with me.

When we finally got to a room- it was the last room available!- I remember saying, "Just get the baby out. Just get the baby out."

There was bustling and nurses and doctors, lights and tubes and questions. I signed something and they said they were cathing me in case of a c-section. I told them okay, but no c-section. Just use the vac, I said.

It was a shift change. They had to wait til the new doc arrived and I was not happy. I now had an IV, they took my blood, placed on oxygen mask on my face, a monitor on the outside and a monitor on the inside and they had cathed me. At one point they wanted to undress me to put the gown on me and I made it clear that wasn't happening.

Finally the doctor (a male) arrived. I wasn't in the best state to be making new acquaintances, but here we were. I told him to use the vac. He said he couldn't the baby was too far up. He said I would have to push more and when the baby came down he could help with the vac. I was like, Just get the baby out.

When the nurses saw I was having another contraction, they showed me how to hold my legs and yelled, "PUSH!!!!!" I loved it because it spurred me on to action. Energy I didn't know I had suddenly sprang up and I felt the baby move down with each push.

This went on for maybe 6 pushes or so. The last push, I distinctly remember hearing my husband's voice above everyone else's- he called me by his nickname for me and yelled PUSH. That was all I needed. I felt Zuzu's head emerge- such relief after such a time is indescribable. Then, I realized her body was still in, so I gave another push and she slid right out.

"Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus." I kept repeating this phrase. Over and over and over.

Then, they placed her on my belly and she was beautiful and pink and screaming with a head full of black hair!!! Such a moment can only be described as utter joy and wonder.

Someone yelled, "12:07AM!"

And someone else declared, "Its a GIRL!"

Both Joel and I said, "What?" This whole time we were expecting a boy. Haha.

I held her 6lb. 2oz. body in my arms and loved her. She pooped all over me. I didn't care.

I tried to nurse her right away, but it took her about 4 hours to get the sucking thing down.

I did experience some shaking after the birth and I wanted to hold someone's hand and that's about it. Everything else was normal and fine and it was a quick and wonderful recovery. I praise my Lord Jesus.

A shower felt great and the nurses helped me. We spent about 39 hours in hospital because they wouldn't let us leave til Zuzu peed. It took that long.

Joel slept well after the ordeal, but I couldn't sleep for almost a full day after the birth. I admit it was a bit traumatizing. I was thankful for the excellent food at the hospital we were at and I really enjoyed my first meal after the birth- a turkey sandwich and salad.

At the hospital we were blessed with an excellent nurse named Maggie. She was wonderful for us and she showed us how to swaddle Zuzu. Zuzu loved being swaddled for about the first 5 weeks of her life.

All in all, it was a good experience and next time I think we will call for more prayer support and be hopefully less proud about everything. God is in control and He helped me and blessed us with our beautiful daughter, Zuzu.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Memorial Box Monday: Her Ankle

Yes, I am aware its Tuesday, but I wanted throw this post in before another week went by.

This is a time to remember God's wondrous works on our behalf and help us not to forget what a Miracle-Working, Mountain-Moving God we serve. For more, visit Linny at http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com.

Last week, I was visiting with some new friends at our local health foods store when we noticed 3 small kittens wandering around on the sidewalk just beyond the window. A young teenage girl was with them along with a cardboard box. One of my friend's children found out the girl was giving away the kittens and wondered if she could go play with them. Her mother said yes. A little while later, we mothers joined them and began talking with the girl.

The girl by this time had her sister and brother sitting on the sidewalk on either side of her. My friend's children were gathered all around and I had 7 month old Zuzu on my hip. We began to speak with the girls about the Lord and they said they did know Him. My friend told them to listen for His voice because those who belong to Him hear His voice and they follow Him.

As she went on, I found a little tract with Psalm 91 on it and I handed it to the eldest sister. I explained it a little, telling them that God is our refuge and He cares for those who love Him.

Then, I noticed that the eldest sister had an aircast on her ankle and I asked her about it. She said she just got her real cast off and now has this cast on and her ankle had been throbbing all day. She was in pain.

"Can I pray for you?" I asked.

"Yeah," she mumbled.

"Father, in Jesus' name, heal this ankle completely, let there be no pain and let this be a testimony to her of how much You love her," I prayed.

Afterward, she smiled a little and said thank you. None of us really moved. Then, my friend began speaking to them again and encouraging them in the Lord. I felt a little like a coward since I hadn't asked her to move her ankle in faith or anything. I was afraid nothing happened.

But then, I decided, Okay, Lord, You could have done it, so I'm gonna go for it.

I told the girl, probably about 16 years old, if she would stand up and try her ankle out. I told her I had seen Jesus heal people before (see my other Memorial Box Monday posts).

So, to my surprise, she stood right up, bent and stripped the cast off her leg with zeal. (I wasn't prepared for that! :)) Then, she stood back up and rocked from foot to foot. There was no indication she felt any pain whatsoever. She looked at me as a slow smile spread across her face.

I said, "Try to walk on it."

So she stepped out and began walking around on that ankle and there was NO LIMP or anything!!! She was not in pain. Praise Jesus! Thank You, Father!

Excitedly, I exclaimed, "Jesus healed you! See? God really loves you!" For some reason, she needed to know that that day. I praise the Lord. Her smile at that moment was precious and dear to my heart.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Memorial Box Monday: The Blind See

Memorial Box Monday was started by Linny at http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/. The idea is to remember the marvelous works of the Lord in a concrete way since we are a forgetful people. Click the box above to find out more.

One winter night while walking in Chicago with Joel (who is now my husband) during college, we happened upon one of our homeless friends. We had spoken with him before, but this night it was so cold, so we invited him into the nearby train station for a hot cup of coffee. He came, chatting easily the whole way.

After we were seated and a little warmer, I took out my Bible and asked him if he would like to read some. We knew he believed in Jesus and he answered yes, he wanted to read some of the Word. So, I slid the Bible over to him, opened to one of the Gospels.

He brought his face close to the page and with his finger underlining each word, he painstakingly began to read. I didn't realize he would have any problems reading aloud, otherwise I probably wouldn't have asked to read for us. Haltingly, each sentence was uttered, and sometimes reuttered, until finally I stopped him. When he looked up, he said he couldn't see that good. As I looked into his eyes, I became acutely aware of the white cataracts over BOTH his eyes.

I asked, "What's wrong with your eyes?" He didn't know. He just started talking about how when he looks up to the sky, he really wants to see the clouds, how pretty they are, and how he can't see them.

Okay. So, this guy is homeless. No medical care. No place to lay his head. He lives outside. And he can't even see the clouds.

I said, "Joel, let's pray for his eyes." So we both put our hands on the man's eyes (with permission) and prayed in Jesus' name that he would be healed.

When we lowered our hands, the man lowered his head and began rubbing his eyes. When he looked up, his eyes had gone from white to red. I admit, I was a little concerned. However, I pointed at the Bible and said, "Try again."

From a normal distance, he began reading the Scriptures to us. He didn't stumble at all in his words! He wasn't even using his finger as a help anymore!! Suddenly, we all realized it and began praising God in excitement. The Father in heaven healed this homeless man in Jesus' name!

When the man looked at me again, smiling, I noticed his eyes were no longer white...

... or red.

They were brown.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I plan to start potty training Noah at 3 months too. I don't how it would work yet while managing my household with two other little ones but I want to try it and this could be my last opportunity, should the Lord bless us with another one. I'll post how it goes in a couple of months.

The best potty I found was Primo potty because it's small enough for the little ones. Destiny started using it at 8 months and was perfect. It may be good for a 6 month old too, at least the handles help for the baby to hold on to and not fall. The Bjorn brand may work too, they look small without the handles.

Infant Potty Training- part 1

Infant Potty Training (IPT), also known as Elimination Communication (EC), has been a blessing in our life. We read about it on Dr. Sarah J. Buckley's website- she is the author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering.

My husband was determined to have us do this with Zuzu. I was less sure, knowing I would be carrying the major portion of the load while he was away at work. So, we started on a Saturday when Zuzu was 3 months old. We removed her diaper and left her onesie unbuttoned on the bottom so it would be easier to take her to the restroom.

Joel handled the better part of that weekend and to my surprise, Zuzu would usually pee on cue for him. On cue? you ask. Yes, at first, in order to train a baby to pee, it is recommended to make a sound to cue them- Psssss.

Well, this was encouraging, so I told him I would keep trying it for a day or two and I couldn't promise him anything since it was a rather tiresome task. She wouldn't go for me quite as easily. She would squirm or cry while I was holding her over the sink. But, sometimes.... she would go- success!

How do we take her potty? you may be wondering. Most of the time, we took her to the bathroom sink, pressed her back against our chest and hold each of her thighs with our hands, so she is in a sitting position. Then, make "the sound." If she didn't go within five seconds, we might persist gently with the sound for about 30 seconds or so, not pressuring her. Like Sarah Buckley wrote, it cannot be a battle of the wills.

We found that at 3 months old, she might have to go once an hour and more often following a feeding. Remember that I am exclusively breastfeeding her at this point (pretty much on demand) and until 6 months.

After awhile, she associates her urge to go with either being wet or feeling relieved and clean after going in the restroom. So, she learns to hold it until we take her.

We do not make her wait if we think she needs to go. She will usually signal us with a certain type of cry or uncomfortable squirming.

As you can see, we have continued IPT and its been 3 1/2 months. She no longer wears diapers to bed or in the stroller or when we go out. She does not wet the bed at night either. She signals me and I get up and take her to the restroom.

We have saved hundreds of dollars. But the best benefit is feeling closer to our baby and more in tune with her and her needs. Just because she is little does not mean she cannot learn to use the restroom like the rest of us.

Recently, my grandmother purchased a kid's potty for her. So, now she sits on that when she needs to go. Her feet don't touch the ground, but she is able to sit and do either number 1 or number 2. :) What a blessing IPT has been for us.

If anyone is thinking about doing this, I encourage you to try. Your baby will never have to sit in wet or soiled diapers and you will be more sensitive and thoughtful toward your little one as you practice Infant Potty Training.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Empty-Nesting Not For Me

Empty-nesting is the term used for parents who are home alone together once more when all their children are grown and living away from home or have homes of their own. I would like to say that I hope I am never an empty-nester.

Some people really look forward to it, calling it a return to their honeymoon days. Others struggle with depression and need counseling to make the transition. Either way, I have found that the couple does have to learn to cope somehow- they might throw themselves into work or ministry, recreation or entertainment.

I don't know. Maybe God calls some to this place in life so they can minister to others outside their family in a way that wasn't possible with children at home. Me, personally, I would never wish it for myself.

Children! I love them. I want so many that I die before I become an empty-nester. Hope that wasn't too abrupt... or something.

Two examples are Sherri at http://ladyofvirtue.blogspot.com and Linny at http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com. They are both close to 50, I believe, and have toddlers running around. :) Oh, to be so blessed!

Who wants an empty house and plenty of time to "do whatever you want" when you could be having, adopting, and raising children for the kingdom of God?? Not this mama.

"Your wife like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house,
Your children like olive plants all around your table.
Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD."
~Psalm 128:3


Monday, May 3, 2010

I will love You, O Lord, with my heart. I will love You with my mind. I will love You with my strength and I will love You with all that is within me.

I have been thinking about how love as our culture understands it is not love at all according to Jesus. This is perhaps one of the greatest deceptions. We think if we feel some feeling toward God that we are loving Him. While loving Him may be accompanied by a feeling, that feeling is not in and of itself fulfilling His command to love Him.

So what is love by God's standards? I don't know yet. I know it has to do with laying down one's life for one's friends. It is kind, unselfish, patient, not rude, and not boastful. It delights with the truth and does not count another's wrongs. Love always hopes, always believes, and love endures all things. Love never fails.

Jesus said if we love Him we will obey His commands.

This got me thinking... what are His commands? Love God and love your neighbor. Does this mean to pray and worship a little and be nice to people around you? Yes, but that's not the whole. There are so many commandments! And I am learning to love each one and hold myself to its standard. This draws me away from the world in thought and action and pushes me closer to holiness. I want to see the Lord. Without holiness, no one will see Him. Yet, Jesus does not take us out of the world, but wants us to be salt and light in it. For that, we need power- the kingdom of God is not in word, but in POWER. Help me, Lord.

Praise You, Lord! Help me to truly love, You. Teach me Your ways, O Lord.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Memorial Box Monday: Do Y'all Need A Stroller?

A few months ago, my little family moved from the West coast to the East coast. We lived in a hotel for 5 days and then moved into a cute little house God provided for us. When we moved in, we waited for a week for our stuff to finish being moved across the country. We used an air mattress our landlords lent us, but it had leaks in it so we were basically sleeping on the hardwood floor, my husband and I, with a newborn.

Our stuff arrived and we were so thankful for our lovely pillow-top mattress! However, we had left our car back West, planning to sell it. We had not yet bought a stroller either since this was our first baby and with the move and all, I guess I didn't think of it. After a couple days in the new house, it was apparent we were going to have to get more groceries (surprising, I know :) )!

Well, without a car or the motorcycle (when it arrived, it was unusable; now it is fixed), we resorted to walking the mile or so to the nearest grocery store. One of us carried Baby Zuzu while the other carried all the grocery bags back. My dad would probably call these "character-building moments."

On our way back from the store, once a lady gave us a ride which was God because as soon as we got home, it down-poured.

The other time is the time I want to remember as God's goodness to us...

We were probably halfway back from the store, carrying baby and food, when suddenly off to our left on a side street, a woman's voice called out to us in that Southern drawl, "Hey! Do y'all need a stroller?"

We smiled and said, "Yes, we do." And she said, she drove past us, and the Lord spoke to her telling her to give us her stroller. She said, "I'm a Christian." With that, she opened the back of her SUV and pulled it out.

Ever since then, we have enjoyed the use of this lovely stroller God gave us.

I don't have a Memorial Box yet (oops), but if I did, I would put a toy stroller in it! :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Adoption On My Heart

4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

ephesians 1:4-6

Those whom the Father draws to Jesus, whosoever will receive Him, are adopted into the forever family of God. Amazing! We were not born of Him when we were born into the world, but we were born of Him when we were cleansed with the water of His Word and made alive by His Spirit.

I praise You, Lord! Thank You for adopting me into your family. You are my home.

Once I really got a revelation of this, I realized God's heart was for adoption in a deeper way than I ever suspected. He sets the solitary in families. Though your father and mother forsake you, the Lord will never forsake you.

There are literally millions of orphans in the world today. Close to 150 million at last count. In the US alone, there are approximately 800,000 children in the foster care system. Currently, 100,000 are available for adoption. These are called "waiting children."

Lord, we ask for Your timing. But we know that this is Your heart. We ask you to bring the children You have for me and my husband and for Francesca and her husband to our homes. Open the doors, Lord Jesus. Bring our babies home. We love You, Lord. Amen.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Memorial Box Monday: The Onion Story

This story, The Onion Story, is to commemorate a wonderful thing the Lord did in my life a couple years ago. For more about Memorial Box Monday, click the image above or visit Linny's blog at aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com.
Most of my life, like many people, if I had to be around onions, my eyes would water. If I ever had to cut onions, this was certainly not fun, since I experienced burning and tears in my eyes and I could hardly see what I was cutting. I didn't like it.
Then one day, I prayed to the Lord, "Lord, please, don't let me cry when I cut onions. Help my eyes." I believed.
He did it! The next time I was around onions, I noticed I had no issues whatsoever. Then, my friend April was cutting onions for a party (a lot of onions!) and she was wiping tears away. I said, "Let me do that." She asked, "Really?" And I chopped those onions with no burning and no tears in my eyes. Praise the Lord!
That was two years ago. I have cooked with and chopped onions since then and have never had a problem.
He hears our prayers. Praise You, Jesus.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Prayer Request for a Car

Here goes Crazy Love- round #2! For more information, go to Linny's wonderful blog at aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com...

My prayer request is for a car for my family. We are currently carless... my husband has a motorcycle we bought used and salvaged last year which he uses to get to work. The Lord has shown me to pray for a car, so I thought I would invite anyone reading this to agree with me for this in the Spirit before the throne of our awesome God.

Praise You, Father!

Our loving heavenly Father cares about our every need and He is able. I was thinking about how Linny would say, "Lord, You own the cattle on a thousand hills- could you sell one for me?" :) Right about now, I am looking heavenward, praying something similar...


Friday, April 16, 2010

Announcing our third Blessing

For children are a blessing from the Lord. Yes, they truly are. What will keep going after we die but the faithful generations to come. May ours serve and love the Lord with all their hearts. Here is baby Noah Yehoshua just a few seconds born out of the water birth pool. What a birth!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baby #3 Is Here!!!

Congratulations, Francesca and Family! Baby #3 was born on April 9th in the afternoon. He was born at home in the birthing pool and weighed 6 lbs 1 oz, 19 inches long. He is doing well and nursing well, praise the Lord! Francesca said she will post pictures soon.

"The fruit of the womb is a reward"...

Looking forward to the birth story (and the name!) and celebrating with a glad heart full of thanksgiving to Jesus,


Friday, April 2, 2010

Looking Into My Eyes

I love how my baby looks into my eyes. She is ever observant in her waking hours, checking her surroundings, absorbing what is going on around her. Periodically, she'll check back with me, making sure everything is okay. She does this by looking into my eyes.

And then, when it is time to nap or go down for the night, usually she prefers being gently bounced in the bouncer. I have Scripture songs being sung in the background by children. She has these big, deep blue-grey eyes that show me her very being. "No walls," my husband said in awe. It is a delight, a treasure to KNOW someone on that deep level with no fear of hurt and no emotional walls up from past hurt. To SEE my little child in her eyes is something that cannot be adequately described.

With the music going, I gaze back into her eyes, reassuring her of my presence and that all is well, and in a few minutes, she drifts off to sleep... looking into my eyes. She is literally looking me in the eye and then she'll do a couple slow blinks (or maybe none at all) and her heavy lids drop and her long lashes rest finally on her soft cheeks. Asleep.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Passover!

Lord, we praise you for causing the angel of death to pass over the first-born sons of the Israelites in the day of Moses. Your plagues struck the Egyptians, but not your chosen ones. If the blood of a lamb was painted over the doorway of the house, then the angel of death passed over.

That was a shadow of what was to come. Jesus is the Lamb of God, the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. If His blood is painted over the doorways of our hearts, then spiritual death will pass over us as well. We will be saved from the wrath of God because of our sins. Praise You, Lord!

"Jesus' blood never fails me." Its one of my favorite song lyrics. So powerful is His blood that it saves us from spiritual death. NOTHING ELSE CAN.

Back in Illinois, Joel's pastor was on his death bed. This was one of the godliest men that I have heard of. He whispered to his friend, "His blood is still my only hope." I did attend his wake after he died and it was open-casket. The man's face shined with a supernatural glow. No make-up could do that. He also had this gentle smile of peace on his face. Everyone that saw him either let out a soft gasp or began crying tears of joy.

Blessings on this Passover (yesterday). May His blood be over the doorway of your heart!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Memorial Box Monday: One Rainy Chicago Night

Its time to remember the wonderful works of the Lord!!! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Memorial Box Monday, please visit Linny's blog over at aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com. You know what, just go visit her anyway, her blog is inspiring and blesses so many people... including me!
And so begins my first Memorial Box Monday story...
One rainy night in Chicago, I was walking through the streets with my newly found friend, Joel. We often had adventures together such as the one you are about to read... and they still continue today. I am blessed to now call him my husband. Anyway...
Joel and I had just gotten off the train and it was already dark in the city. And it. was. pouring. I wasn't sure how long my snow jacket would hold out the rain and my jacket did not have a hood. Uh-oh. I think I may have had a scarf which I quickly covered my head with. We strolled along together, not going anywhere in particular, but just listening and seeking what the Lord would have us do. (Another of our favorite pastimes... maybe more on that at another time. ***Note: this practice has led to some interesting situations as well as some divinely blessed situations. Never a dull moment.)
Well, our strolling was beginning to become tedious. And I was hungry. I prayed that around the next corner there would be a place to eat. Mind you, the streets were deserted (probably the weather and time of day). Did I mention it was pouring? We turned the corner and....
No, it was just a Very long sidewalk lined by the thick cement wall of a Very tall building. No doors, windows, and definitely no restaurants. I almost cried. I prayed, "Lord, You know I'm hungry. Please do something!" I also realized neither of us had much money.
As we continued down the Very long sidewalk, all I could see was the cement of the sidewalk and building, the pavement of the road, and the constant rain. Off to my left, suddenly, something caught my eye. It was a paper lunch bag. I don't know why, but I picked it up. As I opened it and looked inside, I felt my excitement growing. "Joel, look!"
Inside the lunch bag was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut in half diagonally (just how I like it!) and three chocolate chip cookies (my favorite!) The bag was totally drenched - it had been raining for hours - but the sandwich and cookies were completely dry!!! Yay, JESUS!
What do you think we did? We took our treasure, headed across the street to a park we just realized was there, and gave thanks. We danced in the rain and jumped off cement half-walls in our giddiness - God had provided for us food when we were hungry.
That was the best sandwich and cookies I have ever had. Praise the Lord!

Fear Not (even at the grocery store)

"Fear not for I am with you, Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

~Isaiah 41:10

This was the first verse I ever memorized. Growing up, I had a sibling who was very fearful and so I think no one thought I struggled with that. True, I had a good measure of boldness and willingness to try new things; however, inside, I think fear still lurked. As a grown woman, this is something the Lord has been addressing in my life. We are NOT to fear anything or anyone except Him. ("The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.") Although I am not yet perfected in this area, I trust that He will complete the good work He started.

Yesterday, our little family shopped at the local health food store and moved into the checkout line. A young, blond woman served as our cashier and she started sharing some current worries and fears with me. I felt like I should I ask her if she believed in Jesus, but I hesitated. Soon, she said, "Have a good night," and walked away.

Well, I was sad at my lack of obedience, and was lamenting on our way out the door, when we ran into her again. I took the plunge and asked her if she believed in Jesus. She said, "Yes, a lot!" Then, she rambled on about how she knows she doesn't need to be afraid because He is with her... ! So, I affirmed what she already knew and asked if I could pray with her. Before it was all over, she was crying and thanking me; we hugged. I praise the Lord for an opportunity to minister!

It has come to my attention that there are many hurting people out there. This precious young woman's pain just happened to be on the surface where I could see it. Just like I wrote in my last post about my neighbors, you never know when people need you and will open up and share their heart. Yes, Lord! Thank You, Lord. Bless that young, blond woman now and free her from all fear! Free us all from fear of everything but You, Lord!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Love Your Neighbor (literally)

The second greatest commandment is loving your neighbor as yourself. We know from the story of the good Samaritan that Jesus is saying that everyone is our neighbor. We are to love everyone- yes, even our enemies.

Yet, tonight, the story is not about my enemies. It is about being invited next door for a simple outdoor, spring-weather, evening barbecue. So, my husband and I walked over, carrying our little Zuzu, and joined the crew on the deck. It was a time of light chatter, sharing our daily goings-on with one another and just enjoying the meal. We don't really know our neighbors, but they have been kind to us and we'd like to get to know them more. In fact, I wasn't really sure they believed in Jesus- did we have that foundational thing in common? I had sent them a thank-you card a week or two earlier for the beautiful crib they had given Zuzu and in it, I wrote about Jesus and what He did for them. So I was pretty sure they knew where we stood. How they received it was another matter.

As dinner was wrapping up, my neighbor states that she has to get her granddaughters bathed before bed and I signaled my husband that it was probably time to go for our evening walk around the block. We all got up and went into the house and just as we were saying goodbye, all of a sudden, something broke in the spirit realm. Something in the atmosphere just opened up and hearts were shared. Pain, deep pain, was spoken and hugs were given. Prayer was sought and encouragement given. Wow! The Lord just broke in and we were trusted with the sensitive issues of personal lives- I am honored. I now have the privilege of praying for these neighbors and loving them in a more specific way. Thank You, Lord! You are good.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crazy Love: Debts Demolished

In response to Linny's post at aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com, I am writing on behalf of my (Brittany's) family and Francesca's family (we share this blog).

First off, we do tithe to our local church. :) My husband is working hard to pay off our school loans so we can"let no debt remain outstanding" and... so we can adopt! Soon. Our original plan would have taken 10 years. We revamped so it would take only five years... then three. Now, our goal is to have our debts paid in full by May of next year. That way, we can get on to important things like adopting!! We have one daughter almost five months old and I have the privilege of staying home with her. We are longing to be a forever family to one... two... however many little ones! Adoption cannot happen until we get out of debt! If anyone would like to help, I thank you and the Lord bless you. Thank you so much. Please email whitewings61@gmail.com for the address.

This is my daughter, Zuzu, at about 3 months old. Looks like she wants a hug!
Francesca's family of four could use a love gift as well. Her husband is an anointed worship leader and their 3rd baby is due in a couple weeks! The Lord knows their needs and I do not feel free to share specific things on here, but if you send a check for them made out to them, I will send it on. Thank you! Or you can email for their new address (they just moved).
Bless you in Jesus' name,

Heavenly Mindset

"If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory."

~Colossians 3:1-4

Let us not live for the things which are temporal, but for that which is eternal! This message has been highlighted to me in various ways these past weeks. I am thankful for "The Journal of the Unknown Prophet" which can be purchased at amazon.com or god.tv. My reading from the book yesterday revealed that when we on earth begin to live for only that which can be seen, those things of this world, then our hearts have grown cold.

And what is eternal? What shall we set our minds and hearts on? To feel and know His Presence in prayer and in worship. Let us be like Mary and sit at His feet... listening. His Word as written in Scripture. His commandments which David said he loved. And people. Our husbands and children. These are eternal investments! Let us give freely of our time and affection and strength in serving those closest to us for we have freely received. Let us watch well over the affairs of our households, that the devil may not gain a stronghold. And when we have set our minds on things above, remembering the reality of Heaven and remembering the Lord, we will be so glad and rejoice in that day when we appear before His throne.

Other resources for remembering Heaven: "Heaven Is So Real!" by Choo Thomas and "Heaven Narrative I and II" by Freddy Hayler.