Welcome to my blog... I am a Christian woman, a wife, and mother of little ones. I do not have it all together, but am struggling to find and do the commandments of the Lord as they are written in the Bible. I desire to love God and love people. Through faith in Jesus Christ, I have been saved by grace- something for which I am eternally grateful. He is sufficient for me...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Memorial Box Monday: The Blind See

Memorial Box Monday was started by Linny at http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/. The idea is to remember the marvelous works of the Lord in a concrete way since we are a forgetful people. Click the box above to find out more.

One winter night while walking in Chicago with Joel (who is now my husband) during college, we happened upon one of our homeless friends. We had spoken with him before, but this night it was so cold, so we invited him into the nearby train station for a hot cup of coffee. He came, chatting easily the whole way.

After we were seated and a little warmer, I took out my Bible and asked him if he would like to read some. We knew he believed in Jesus and he answered yes, he wanted to read some of the Word. So, I slid the Bible over to him, opened to one of the Gospels.

He brought his face close to the page and with his finger underlining each word, he painstakingly began to read. I didn't realize he would have any problems reading aloud, otherwise I probably wouldn't have asked to read for us. Haltingly, each sentence was uttered, and sometimes reuttered, until finally I stopped him. When he looked up, he said he couldn't see that good. As I looked into his eyes, I became acutely aware of the white cataracts over BOTH his eyes.

I asked, "What's wrong with your eyes?" He didn't know. He just started talking about how when he looks up to the sky, he really wants to see the clouds, how pretty they are, and how he can't see them.

Okay. So, this guy is homeless. No medical care. No place to lay his head. He lives outside. And he can't even see the clouds.

I said, "Joel, let's pray for his eyes." So we both put our hands on the man's eyes (with permission) and prayed in Jesus' name that he would be healed.

When we lowered our hands, the man lowered his head and began rubbing his eyes. When he looked up, his eyes had gone from white to red. I admit, I was a little concerned. However, I pointed at the Bible and said, "Try again."

From a normal distance, he began reading the Scriptures to us. He didn't stumble at all in his words! He wasn't even using his finger as a help anymore!! Suddenly, we all realized it and began praising God in excitement. The Father in heaven healed this homeless man in Jesus' name!

When the man looked at me again, smiling, I noticed his eyes were no longer white...

... or red.

They were brown.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I plan to start potty training Noah at 3 months too. I don't how it would work yet while managing my household with two other little ones but I want to try it and this could be my last opportunity, should the Lord bless us with another one. I'll post how it goes in a couple of months.

The best potty I found was Primo potty because it's small enough for the little ones. Destiny started using it at 8 months and was perfect. It may be good for a 6 month old too, at least the handles help for the baby to hold on to and not fall. The Bjorn brand may work too, they look small without the handles.

Infant Potty Training- part 1

Infant Potty Training (IPT), also known as Elimination Communication (EC), has been a blessing in our life. We read about it on Dr. Sarah J. Buckley's website- she is the author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering.

My husband was determined to have us do this with Zuzu. I was less sure, knowing I would be carrying the major portion of the load while he was away at work. So, we started on a Saturday when Zuzu was 3 months old. We removed her diaper and left her onesie unbuttoned on the bottom so it would be easier to take her to the restroom.

Joel handled the better part of that weekend and to my surprise, Zuzu would usually pee on cue for him. On cue? you ask. Yes, at first, in order to train a baby to pee, it is recommended to make a sound to cue them- Psssss.

Well, this was encouraging, so I told him I would keep trying it for a day or two and I couldn't promise him anything since it was a rather tiresome task. She wouldn't go for me quite as easily. She would squirm or cry while I was holding her over the sink. But, sometimes.... she would go- success!

How do we take her potty? you may be wondering. Most of the time, we took her to the bathroom sink, pressed her back against our chest and hold each of her thighs with our hands, so she is in a sitting position. Then, make "the sound." If she didn't go within five seconds, we might persist gently with the sound for about 30 seconds or so, not pressuring her. Like Sarah Buckley wrote, it cannot be a battle of the wills.

We found that at 3 months old, she might have to go once an hour and more often following a feeding. Remember that I am exclusively breastfeeding her at this point (pretty much on demand) and until 6 months.

After awhile, she associates her urge to go with either being wet or feeling relieved and clean after going in the restroom. So, she learns to hold it until we take her.

We do not make her wait if we think she needs to go. She will usually signal us with a certain type of cry or uncomfortable squirming.

As you can see, we have continued IPT and its been 3 1/2 months. She no longer wears diapers to bed or in the stroller or when we go out. She does not wet the bed at night either. She signals me and I get up and take her to the restroom.

We have saved hundreds of dollars. But the best benefit is feeling closer to our baby and more in tune with her and her needs. Just because she is little does not mean she cannot learn to use the restroom like the rest of us.

Recently, my grandmother purchased a kid's potty for her. So, now she sits on that when she needs to go. Her feet don't touch the ground, but she is able to sit and do either number 1 or number 2. :) What a blessing IPT has been for us.

If anyone is thinking about doing this, I encourage you to try. Your baby will never have to sit in wet or soiled diapers and you will be more sensitive and thoughtful toward your little one as you practice Infant Potty Training.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Empty-Nesting Not For Me

Empty-nesting is the term used for parents who are home alone together once more when all their children are grown and living away from home or have homes of their own. I would like to say that I hope I am never an empty-nester.

Some people really look forward to it, calling it a return to their honeymoon days. Others struggle with depression and need counseling to make the transition. Either way, I have found that the couple does have to learn to cope somehow- they might throw themselves into work or ministry, recreation or entertainment.

I don't know. Maybe God calls some to this place in life so they can minister to others outside their family in a way that wasn't possible with children at home. Me, personally, I would never wish it for myself.

Children! I love them. I want so many that I die before I become an empty-nester. Hope that wasn't too abrupt... or something.

Two examples are Sherri at http://ladyofvirtue.blogspot.com and Linny at http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com. They are both close to 50, I believe, and have toddlers running around. :) Oh, to be so blessed!

Who wants an empty house and plenty of time to "do whatever you want" when you could be having, adopting, and raising children for the kingdom of God?? Not this mama.

"Your wife like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house,
Your children like olive plants all around your table.
Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD."
~Psalm 128:3


Monday, May 3, 2010

I will love You, O Lord, with my heart. I will love You with my mind. I will love You with my strength and I will love You with all that is within me.

I have been thinking about how love as our culture understands it is not love at all according to Jesus. This is perhaps one of the greatest deceptions. We think if we feel some feeling toward God that we are loving Him. While loving Him may be accompanied by a feeling, that feeling is not in and of itself fulfilling His command to love Him.

So what is love by God's standards? I don't know yet. I know it has to do with laying down one's life for one's friends. It is kind, unselfish, patient, not rude, and not boastful. It delights with the truth and does not count another's wrongs. Love always hopes, always believes, and love endures all things. Love never fails.

Jesus said if we love Him we will obey His commands.

This got me thinking... what are His commands? Love God and love your neighbor. Does this mean to pray and worship a little and be nice to people around you? Yes, but that's not the whole. There are so many commandments! And I am learning to love each one and hold myself to its standard. This draws me away from the world in thought and action and pushes me closer to holiness. I want to see the Lord. Without holiness, no one will see Him. Yet, Jesus does not take us out of the world, but wants us to be salt and light in it. For that, we need power- the kingdom of God is not in word, but in POWER. Help me, Lord.

Praise You, Lord! Help me to truly love, You. Teach me Your ways, O Lord.